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The Marine Science Laboratory was established in 1970 under the Department of Biology as a research centre for advanced studies in marine science. The Laboratory relocated to its present site in 2001 under a reprovision scheme of the Hong Kong SAR Government in association with the establishment of the Hong Kong Science Park. In 2002, the laboratory was renamed the “Simon F. S. Li Marine Science Laboratory” in recognition of Dr. Simon Li's generous donations in support of the University's development.

Current resident and affiliated staff of the Laboratory have broad research interests, including but not limited to ecology, evolution, conservation, genomics, ecotoxicology and biotechnology, from marine microorganisms to eukaryotes, particularly corals, seaweeds and crustaceans. 

Horseshoe Crab
Water Flea
Marine Microbes
Kuruma Shrimp

Below are examples of our recent research work:

Prof. Chu Ka Hou

Diagnosis of fish and shellfish allergies

Prof. Joe Lee

The value of small mangrove patches
Ecotype diversification
of an abundant Roseobacter lineage

Prof. Luo Haiwei

Prof. Chan King Ming

pollution in the marine waters and sediments
of Hong Kong

Prof. Tsang Ling Ming

Decapod Phylogeny: What Can Protein-Coding Genes Tell Us?

Prof. Laura Falkenberg

biological responses to ocean acidification
Ancestral whole-genome duplication in the marine chelicerate horseshoe crabs

Prof. Jerome Hui

Dr. Apple Chui

coral communities in degraded sites in hong kong using sexually propagated corals
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Simon F.S. Li Marine Science Laboratory

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Sha Tin, New Territories

Hong Kong SAR


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Tel: (852) 3943 6122

Fax: (852) 2603 5646


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